Floor Graphics and Floor Signs

A full range of Floor Graphics and Floor Signs help to reinforce the health and safety notices in busy warehouse and distribution environments.

Floor Graphics can be bought directly from our on-line store.


Floor Signs

Warehouse Floor Graphics and Floor Signs help to communicate and reinforce important health and safety messages. Placing floor graphics near a busy throughways brings attention and focus in a new way.

Our Floor Graphics and Floor Signs are universally recognised and comply with legislations that govern the way safety signs are designed to ensure continuity. This helps people to respond quickly key messages because as they become familiar with shapes and colours.

Floor Graphics and Floor Signs can be purchased directly form our on-line store:

Floor Graphics & Floor Signs – Rack & Shelf Labels (UK) Limited (rackandshelfshop.co.uk)

Warehouse Floor Signage Application

Floors should be cleaned thoroughly prior to applying floor signs. Excess dirt, debris, moisture or dust creates a barrier between the floor and adhesive making it less sticky.

Our Floor Graphics are highly robust to withstand foot traffic but can become damaged under excessive force. Signs should be placed away from direct contact with forklift trucks and material handling equipment, to help extend the products’ lifespan.

Bespoke Floor Signs

If you have a specific design or any questions about our floor graphics please contact us or call 01925 812 817. We are happy to provide advice, prices and lead times for non-stock items and dispatch orders for next day delivery.

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